Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pre-Day 1 & Day 1 - You & me...we're in it together!!!

Hey All:

Thank you for journeying along with me, it's nice to have other perspectives and to discuss things that don't make sense or are hard for each of us to accept & understand.

I noticed some mentioned reading the first entry already, I've actually re read it a few times in the last few days, & even when I first bought the book a few years ago.  I think it's a good thing to go back over it, sometimes at the moment you're reading it, it just doesn't hit you...others it hits you like a 10 ton dump truck and need that extra time to sort out your thoughts.

Here are my thoughts:

I really like the opening scripture on the "My Covenant" page Ecclesiastes 4:9 - I always thought I'd like that as my wedding reading...Two are way better off then one...so many advantages, not the least of which is having someone to watch your back.  Not that you're expecting trouble, but sometimes it's that solid wall to lean against when you're having a tough day. 

I think this should also apply to friendships...any relationship we enter, work, neighbor, roommate - it's about quality...trust & faith.  I know we're not perfect...neither is our workmate, neighbor or roommate, but if I give up after one mistake should they do the same to me?  Be the wall they need.

Day 1 - It's not about you

Ya know...I had to laugh at seeing this as the first topic.  When I was younger I would have said "Well duh!!!"...Mom...she never out and out said that it's 'not about you' but she lived it, she got us involved in things where we would naturally want to help out, and of course got us helping her at home was always a good place to start.  We weren't her slaves or minions...she tried making cleaning fun, cranked the tunes and danced while vacuuming or while baking, these were things that needed to be done, but they didn't have to be a chore.

So I never gave this one much consideration until a few years ago, quite few now actually, but a friend was going through a REALLY seriously bad time and I felt we (myself and another friend) needed to show her that she hadn't lost our friendship, we would support her through her time of need, I was thinking about how to show her she was loved & wanted in this world.  The other friend pointedly said "It's not about you Maureen"...and I stopped...jaw dropped...and to this day I'm still trying to figure out what I did or said that made her think I was thinking of me.

On Sunday I had to go out to Dave & Gwyn's to check on the place so decided to make a day of it, packed warm clothes, blanket, hot drink, a couple books including this one & my Bible.  Stopped by their place, flicked some lights off & on, checked each floor and reminded myself to bring a camera next time and come for a longer time to get some boxing done.  Then I was off to one of my favorite places in the whole world - Cultus Lake!!!

Gordon I found the perfect spot for a fall day, it's at Honeymoon Bay, apparently it's a group camp site but it has 2 coverings, both with gas/wood stoves, one side has a flatter area for running around, the other more hilly...but perfect for family fun day! 

So I cuddled up with my blanket, took in the heady scent of fall rain & pulled out Purpose Driven Life, thought I'd make some notes, some listed above...then others:

I'm at the point where I need to learn how to take care of myself BUT not as a main focus, I should be a means to an end.  I am alive, healthy and, preferably with brushed teeth, here to help someone else.  Whether it's to help with their business, finance, their children, selling their house, cleaning or listening, or actively serving.

When I'm asking by someone who's just met me what I like to do I find it hard to answer.  Sure I like to read and write...that's a side...sure but...I'd rather be busy helping, doing, then thinking about what I like - who cares?  LOL

I'm standing on a line I want & need to define - it's NOT about me, I don't want it to be.  I do want guidance for where my energy is best spent.  I feel it's in helping people when they don't know where or what they need to be doing.  It might be as basic as calming them down & walking through their current situation, or might be in helping them locate services they require, or know & getting that service to them.

I've heard that we're to serve the God in others, not to treat them like gods, but as if they were Christ himself - share my blanket, my food, clothing, my soap, my car etc.

Beyond those simple acts what does God want me to be?  I once thought He wanted me to be Mom, perhaps I'm not meant to be a Mom to my own child...but to those who could use an understanding woman in their lives, or even, as some I admire, a foster/adoptive parent.  Lord knows there are so many children who could use a loving environment. 

the Question to consider:  "In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?"  Well first things first there - turn off the TV...or at least the commercials, they're life sucking for the most part.  I also find more and more people take TV as reality, we need to see reality first hand more often, not through a TV lens, but our own. 

Next week my company is having it's annual kick off event for our charity Angels in the Night.  I have to say I'm very passionate about our charity, it's real, I see the money collected, I actually do the collecting for my province, I see it accumulate and am on the board to decide where it goes and penny for penny, and then some, goes right into the charity, the company pays any sort of costs & the rest volunteered or donated.  And I'm there on the night we deliver...I don't want to be jaded about charities...I should give to give, what the recipient does with that gift is up to them.

A little off topic, but not too much, it's time to get back into volunteering, this time, not monitoring but...back to the basics...back to the humanity that could use a gentle smile, kind word, and encouraging conversation.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Invite

Hello all

Some of you have known me for years, others knew me YEARS ago LOL some just met me....I've sort of challenged myself to...find a purpose in my life and was looking at "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, it ask for a 40 day commitment and to see if you can do it with a friend or group so you can discuss things.

Have any of you heard of it? Would you be interested in doing it with me? I was going to try blogging about it - Randy you wanted me writing LOL...well here's a start...anyway...I've posted a link to the blog on my facebook page, if you're interested let me know k?

I hope you're all doing well, it would be nice to get to know you again, or more, and if you know of anyone else who'd like to do join us ask, the more the merrier.
